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Why I lagged behind 2 years in my education.

Okay, since some people seem to ask me this same question repeatedly non-stop, sometimes I find it irritating. So, want to know why I "lagged" behind 2 years in my darn education? Okay, let me just "waste my time typing all these craps out first".

So... like I say, I am 2 years older than most people here. No, I AM a Singaporean. I do not come from Japan, Malaysia, China, whatever. I. FREAKING. BORN. IN. SINGAPORE (just in case without caps and bolded words will not get it through your damned head).

Now, why am I older? I can tell you, I got autism. I went to this school call Metta School (a super-slow educating school for people with down-syndrome, autism, other issues or whatever) for 1 and 3/4 years (or what I often say, 1 and a half year) to study. Why I didn't complete till 2 years? The school is *insert something here* too slow. So, from what I heard from my mother, she said that I was sent to a Primary School for 3 months or something to see if I can cope with ordinary schools (yeah, I can, only issues with my super not-so-matured brain). And of course I did able to cope with it. Easy enough. But for some reason, I WAS a PokéMoN uh... addict. Changed to Adventure Quest addict when I was Primary 3. Then, Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 addict.

And then Silent Hill addict... and then I like First-Person Shooting game more... for some reason.

Okay, I am way too off. But, meh. Anyway, why I lagged behind? Because of autism. 'nuff say.

And no, I am NOT a 4chan addict or whatever. Neither do I go to those websites (though nowadays I seldom head to LOLCAT and FAILBLOG)

And I feel like Silent Hill 4's main character Henry Townshend... for some reason... AND NO, MY HOUSE IS NOT INVADED BY THE OTHERWORLD... not to mention Silent Hill is SOOOOOOO far away from my house... >_> 

Oh and also, Dragonforce and Gamma Ray rules!!  