Highlight text if you cannot read what I had posted. Go figure out or do trial and error to find out how I do this. Kthxbai.


Doubt you guys know this but....

... not trying to be a showoff, but you know what, some websites that require you to do some stupid survey thing and etc, I can just "break" into it. Guess how?

Well, I use Firefox and also since I can read HTML and CSS codes (some not all), yeah, easiest work ever done here: read.

Not an expert cos' to take quite some time just to figure that out... but anyway, using my photo as an example (don't wanna get into trouble lololol):

Can't download the image, eh?

*some times later*


I win! >:D

Oh and also you know those damned websites that are locked until you do a survey or something? Read source code and find URL. Done. ^_^

Tricked about free FaceBook credits? Well, maybe you should get something that allows you to read the source code of the website and find the URL and see if it's true. AND learn how to read <html> and </css> code, really, it will save you from a lot of trouble some times.

Note: nowadays people are smarter because reading the source code doesn't allow you to find the links anymore... somehow. But definitely it worth to learn how to read HTML and CSS code right?

However, there are still some dumb people around so try to stick to reading source code if you want to know how they lock things up. :)

OH and exploit those. XD

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